Deleuze on Becoming: An Introduction
I've been tinkering at the edges of this 'introduction to Deleuze on becoming' for a while, and I finally found some free time to whack it all together, so - here is a thing I wrote on Deleuze and becoming. As with all of my posts of Deleuzeian vocabulary, I largely wrote this for myself, as 'becoming' was and is one of those topics that I was struggling to 'put together', and this is one of my attempts to do that for me. Hopefully though, others might find it interesting or useful! This is not comprehensive - I don't really talk about the specific becomings that D&G do, like becoming-animal, becoming-imperceptible on so on, but this is already very long! Any suggestions, critiques, corrections, or questions are welcome. A more accurate, contemporary depiction of the 'tree of life'...