Small Review of Lara and Stephen Sheehi's Psychoanalysis Under Occupation: Practicing Resistance in Palestine (2021)

Finished reading Lara and Stephen Sheehi's Psychoanalysis Under Occupation: Practicing Resistance in Palestine (2021) yesterday, and wrote up a little recap and review: This book is a few things, but what immediately stands out is its archiving of testimony. Testimonies less of patients - although there are a few here - than of clinicians, the practitioners of psychoanalysis who, in issuing the ‘talking cure’, have to do so under conditions of brutal, unspeakable violence: a violence that, as I write, continues to murder and maim Palestinians in the most horrific genocide this side of the 21st century. Symptomatic is the fact that Gazan voices remain largely absent from this book, on account of the authors having been barred from entry by Israeli authorities. This gaping testimonial void, acknowledged and apologised for, speaks, nonetheless to just those very conditions whose effects and responses are charted out in the writing: those of trauma, occupation, and silencing:...