Education after Deconstruction (Or, A Critique of Negarestani)
OK so I'm going to kind of stream of consciousness a little about the topic of education. In particular I'm trying to think about what education in the wake of deconstruction looks like. What is a post-deconstructive pedagogy? And I'm going to cobble together an unholy alliance of Derrida, Karatani, Felman and now Negarestani to think this through. I'll start with Karatani actually. Karatani starts from the question of solipsism, before moving to the question of teaching. The idea being that the very possibility of teaching, when taken seriously, is what explodes any possible solipsism: the one who teaches has to, as it were, cross a chasm to the other. The chasm is simply a lack of shared ground, or rules. Teaching in this regard is always two-levelled: one has to teach not just "content", but at the same time, one has to teach the other how to learn at all. If we don't share the same rules, if we don't share the some idea of what what counts as our ...